Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bee stings!

Right as aunt del & uncle John leave poor c-bug steps on a...bug. Rather, a bee. A big, nasty one who's lifeless body we are keeping as a trophy for carter's bravery throughout the whole 'foot-soaking, needle-probing, tweezer-poking, toothpaste-rubbing' ordeal.
Clara waited semi-patiently in her swing while big brother got fixed up.
But ::whew:: with one demanding lunch & another with a minty-fresh foot, mom is looking forward to this afternoons nap time!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First loose tooth!

UPDATE: he lost it! 7/25 around 7:15 pm, came out by itself! Pictures'll be up as soon as my laptops fixed!!

CARTER HAS HIS FIRST LOOSE TOOTH!!! how exciting :) as soon as my lap top's functioning again- there'll be a picture of a boy with one less tooth!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


how lucky are we? :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Clara has arrived!

I'm sure we'll share the longer version later, but to be brief: Monday morning (July 12) around 8:30 a.m. I was hesitant to call labor & delivery, not wanting to come in, be monitored and turned away ('the pregnant girl who called wold??') but by 11:20 a.m. that same day, we welcomed baby Clara into our world!

And now we're already home, just 2 1/2 days later enjoying our brand new little family!

Expect a million more pictures to come!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy birthday GRANDPA annnd....

37 weeks today!
It's safe for baby Clara to make her big debut any time she wants to now!


Saturday, July 3, 2010