Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Carter's new guitar.

Thanks great grandma!

Momma & Baby guitar:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcoming the 9th month

Today we are 36 weeks, officially entering the 9th and final month.

Only one week til we enter the 'safety zone' and 3 weeks to make it to the planned c-section.

So happy that we've made it through this pregnancy avoiding any major medical concerns (so far, *knock on wood*) and even happier to have avoided the dreaded bed rest (*knock on wood again*).

All is well, blood pressure = great, measured in at 35 weeks at my last appointment (when i was about 35 wk 3 d), healthy fetal heartbeat, healthy mom = making it to at least term this time around.
(though i've been having contractions for weeks and even as i type this they continue on)

Baby Clara is arriving so soon. So, so, SO soon.

Are we ready for another one of these?

C-bug circa. June '05

I'd actually really love another one of these : ) -->

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Inside on a chilly summer day

It's too cold to go outside, and mom is too sick-feeling to go out anyways. We already made breakfast and colored jungle animals & rockets. Carter spent time feeling Clara kick me in the hips and ribs and built a fort on the big couch/chair. Poor C is counting down the minutes til Grandpa picks him up to take him to the parade. Hopefully the weather'll start looking up soon.

I don't know whether i should be cherishing the time left to rest while uncomfortably pregnant, or looking forward to the time when i trade the resting in for no longer having a basketball inside me.
July 18th, come soon...but not too soon.

Picture messages from nana & grandpa later today...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Where has the time gone?!

You used to be the same size as your stuffed animals,

Now you're on a fast-paced journey to growing bigger than mommy!

Back when you weren't complaining yet about the goofy hats i make you wear :)

My little chubby cheeked buggy!

happy birthday baby!
now stop growing up so fast!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

CARTER'S 5TH BIRTHDAY PARTY! & happy father's day!

First off, Happy father's day to all dad's, grandpa's, and almost-dad's!

Carter and I made cakes for Grandpa & Jason.

Secondly, Yesterday was Carter's 5th birthday party!

Celebrated at Blueberry park with a BBQ, games, a pinata, presents, and a toy story cupcake cake! Had a great time with C and all his little buddies : )

Carter had the best birthday ever : )

Friday, June 18, 2010

One year ago today...

RIP JJ, we miss you: 1/19/85-6/18/09
#1 brother & best uncle in the world

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Living room campout

Here's our makeshift fort (prior to all the toys being added and the circumference being lined with toy 'guards'). We're going to try to improve our fort-making skills (something that maybe doesn't involve the stools to our kitchen island) so it can be a bit more permanent for the living room. Maybe construct a tee-pee? We'll see : )

Carter's excited for the real camp outs coming this summer!

Friday, June 11, 2010

C-bug the chef

To start off our 'summer activities' we were gonna make home made ice cream, but C spotted lemon bar mix while we were in the baking aisle looking for vanilla (which we never found). Anyways, here's my happy little chef:

actually happy about getting his picture taken:

Just smiling to humor me:

"Leave me alone with your camera momma, i'm cooking!":

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Day of School!

Big Day !!!
Carter's last day of school was today and i was lucky enough to be able to join him for the whole 8:15-11ish series of events.
Carter was also excited to see his grandpa in the audience for his graduation this morning : ) Anyways, here's some photos from today's activities!

Waiting patiently for his name to be called...

Receiving his certificate from Ms. Sam : )

Checking out his certificate with Hannah...

Proud boy showing off his certificate : )

Showing off some 'kung fu' moves during snack time

Time for the class picture... take careful notice of C-bug...such a good smiling boy even when everyone else was being crazy...that might sound like 'mommy-bragging' but HEY i have photographic proof of him behaving amidst the craziness of fifteen 4 & 5 year olds : )
Take 1:

Take 2:

Now everyone yell something goofy!

Really was such a fun morning. Signed little autograph books afterward, collected yearbooks; got home--took a nap, did an art project when he woke up--and then said he already wanted to go back to school. This should be an interesting summer ; )

Later this same day...

Carter playing drums at Jason's house. I thought he looked too cute not to take a picture: )

And when we got home...

We were greeted by the biggest snail either of us have ever seen...

Well, that's really all for today.
Hello summer break!!!

I still have photos of Carter being ring bearer at cousin Devin & Tana's wedding to post AND photos from my baby shower! Such a fun day. Thanks to everyone for everything!!!