Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Day of School!

Big Day !!!
Carter's last day of school was today and i was lucky enough to be able to join him for the whole 8:15-11ish series of events.
Carter was also excited to see his grandpa in the audience for his graduation this morning : ) Anyways, here's some photos from today's activities!

Waiting patiently for his name to be called...

Receiving his certificate from Ms. Sam : )

Checking out his certificate with Hannah...

Proud boy showing off his certificate : )

Showing off some 'kung fu' moves during snack time

Time for the class picture... take careful notice of C-bug...such a good smiling boy even when everyone else was being crazy...that might sound like 'mommy-bragging' but HEY i have photographic proof of him behaving amidst the craziness of fifteen 4 & 5 year olds : )
Take 1:

Take 2:

Now everyone yell something goofy!

Really was such a fun morning. Signed little autograph books afterward, collected yearbooks; got home--took a nap, did an art project when he woke up--and then said he already wanted to go back to school. This should be an interesting summer ; )

Later this same day...

Carter playing drums at Jason's house. I thought he looked too cute not to take a picture: )

And when we got home...

We were greeted by the biggest snail either of us have ever seen...

Well, that's really all for today.
Hello summer break!!!

I still have photos of Carter being ring bearer at cousin Devin & Tana's wedding to post AND photos from my baby shower! Such a fun day. Thanks to everyone for everything!!!

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