Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcoming the 9th month

Today we are 36 weeks, officially entering the 9th and final month.

Only one week til we enter the 'safety zone' and 3 weeks to make it to the planned c-section.

So happy that we've made it through this pregnancy avoiding any major medical concerns (so far, *knock on wood*) and even happier to have avoided the dreaded bed rest (*knock on wood again*).

All is well, blood pressure = great, measured in at 35 weeks at my last appointment (when i was about 35 wk 3 d), healthy fetal heartbeat, healthy mom = making it to at least term this time around.
(though i've been having contractions for weeks and even as i type this they continue on)

Baby Clara is arriving so soon. So, so, SO soon.

Are we ready for another one of these?

C-bug circa. June '05

I'd actually really love another one of these : ) -->

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